
Manipulation and measurement on both channels with four independent configuration tables.

Inserted in line with minimal delay between two separate Ethernet connections seamlessly modifying and timing measurement of packets.

Timing and packet modification is based on MAC based trigger conditions stored in four configuration tables to determine if actions are taken or traffic is passed through.

Separate configuration tables can be stored in flash and loaded into any port.

Eight independent timers can be started/stopped from any port

  • Start/stop simultaneously from single port to measure rate

  • Start/stop different ports to measure system response time

  • Start/stop different ports to measure network transit delay

Configuration table for each port can hold 4096 entries which can be executed SEQuentially or CONsecutively. Trigger on MAC Source and Destination address.

SEQuential mode starts at the beginning and progresses to next table entry when trigger condition is met. A marker at any location sends execution back to the beginning.

CONsective mode directly accesses the configuration table using the lower 12 bits of the MAC destination address (VL).

Packets can be manipulated in the following ways:

  • Drop entire packet

  • Runt packets starting at a user defined byte

  • Modify 1-4 bytes at a user defined location,update FCS

  • Hold a packet for 0-1000 us/ms.

  • Invert the FCS (i.e. corruption)

Modify, Hold, and FCS can be done in combinations

Eight bit Cycle enable field allows for pseudo intermittency

Trigger value detected but action only occurs if Cycle enable bit is set